Good judgment is about me good judgment is about drawing conclusions about my life good judgment is in light of my past experience the Guard Rails things that are most tempting to me where I've been in the past what happened in that last relationship that last marriage the way I grew up in light of my past experience in light of my current circumstances.
I'm really mad I'm in current circumstances just broke up Curtis Eric's current circumstances just started this new job in light of my current circumstances in light of my future hopes and dreams what is the best thing or what is the wisest thing not for everybody else to do I'm not judging you what you do is none of my business what is the wise thing for me to do judgmental assumes.
Something about the other person this is all about you this is how you should respond in light of your future hopes and dreams when you were a child when you were growing up when you were middle school or high school your mom or dad or your mom and dad or your uncle or your grandparents or whoever had responsibilities for you they were if they were good grandparents aunts uncles or parents they were paranoid regarding your friends.
They were they paid such good attention Guard Rails Sydney to your friends right in fact there were times when they said you can't go over there you can't she can't come over here you know you can't you can't date her you know they would forbid you some of your mom's read your journals girls a few ladies if you had journals you know they were to sneak in their read your journal.
You'd find out you'd be so angry you know and you put tape on the bottom of your door to see if anybody came in your room you know and then your mom took the door off I know that's kind of a thing take the door off we never did that it's kind of odd but hey you know sometimes you got to do what you got to do some of you.
They were so extreme in the situation was so extreme maybe they pulled you out of that school and put you in a different school maybe they just packed up and moved just left the community left the state you know Guard Rails Sydney are going to London we got to get you out of this environment you know and when you are on the receiving end of that your response was like you know most kids long you're being.
So judgmental you should be so judgmental judging my friends well now many of you are parents and you are paranoid oh okay and the reason you're paranoid is because you remember who you remember you right you remember your friends and you look back in fact when I asked the question have you ever met somebody you wish you'd never met some of you went as far back as college some of you went as far back as high school.
So what your mama knew and what you know is that is that this is a thing that our friends determine the direction and quality of our lives let me say this way that the thing that makes friendship marvelous is also the thing that makes it so hazardous and so dangerous now if your experience does it prove this to you or that's not enough evidence my assistant sent me an article last week because she knew I was talking about this
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